I, like many of you, have a healthy addiction to reading my fellow teacher blogs and consistently buying awesome stuff from Teachers pay Teachers! One item that I read about, pinned several times, and of course bought this year were Bump Boards.
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This is an awesome Bump Board I bought and used from Teachers Pay Teachers! |
Most of you I am sure have heard of the game and have seen some cute boards made out there. However, I didn't like having to buy and prep different boards all the time. So...I created my own version, one that could be used for any concept and at anytime of the year. May I introduce my Universal Bump Board!
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Click Here for a Copy! |
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Click Here for a Copy! I must say it came in handy this past Spring when I used it for test prep, station work, partner time, etc. |
Now my caveat to other bump boards out there is that mine relies on a 20 sided die. If you are a teacher like me who loves to own your own math manipulatives, well then you probably have some lying around.
Lastly, I have to tell you all about a great
new product that I found out about this year!
It is a sturdy pocket folder with a clear envelope attached by Avery. I use it to store and organize my materials for station work.
I love that it can hold manipulatives and that it easily stores inside a legal size file drawer! They are awesome!
If you have any creative universal game boards you would like to share,
I would love to hear about them!
Happy Learning!
Hey there, Andrea!! Just wanted to make sure you and Heather saw that we're having our 2nd annual VA Bloggers Get-Together on Christmas in July (7/25!). Hope you can join us again... we had a blast with you last summer!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
This is the first time I am hearing about "bump boards" very interesting! I will look into it :)
I am new to being a "Teaching Blogger" if you have time, please stop by and drop off some blogging advice :)
Hello at first i tell everybody I must say it came in handy this past I used it for test prep, station work, partner time, etc if we need any entertainment tools see shoop
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Your post is very nice . cheap pc games .This is our website and this website is related gaming .
Hey Andrea! I used one of your free TPT resouces (Thieves) in my latest blog post because I loved it so much! Don't worry....I gave all of the credit to you! I seriously love the strategy! Thanks for making it...and thanks for making it free!
Mind Sparks
Nice! Thank you so much for sharing. :)
Come visit me at Readbox!
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